Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting (PVSSD)

Minutes of the Meeting held On May 3, 2006

Attending Members: Mary Esther Putnam (Chairwoman); Gerald Schiefer (VC); Dall Winn; Ron Snow; Ryon Gardner

Absent Member: N/A

Also Present: Steve Robinson (Fire Chief), George Cropper (Treasurer) and Beverly Udell (Secretary)

Guests: Gae Robinson; Guin Winn; Fred Pendleton; Julie Cropper; Dorrel Booth; Ed Anderson; Lee Hansen; Fermin Esparza; Violet Esparza; Bruce Bergeson; Laura Bergeson; and John Nichols

1. General Business: a/b. Welcome – The meeting was called to order at 6:02 P.M. with the opening being the Pledge of Allegiance.
* c. Review/Approval of the ‘Minutes of the Meeting’ from March 1, 2006 –Dall motioned to accept the March Minutes as written. Ron seconded that motion and all were in favor. There was not a meeting for April, so therefore there wasn’t any minutes written for that month.

d. Pine Valley Building Permits Reviewed: There had been one building permit come through for a Preston Mintz at 635 S. Cobble Circle.
* Bev reminded the board members to please fill out an approval sheet for any building permits that came through their hands. Mary Esther suggested that each board member that happens to get a set of plans come to them needs to check to see if the approval form is attached. If it is not, then they need to start one.

e. Board Member Reports:
Gerald: Water situation – runoff is currently twice what it normally is, probably due to the fact that the snow started melting a month earlier than usual.
* The camp ground was due to open this weekend, but the water system is not done (they found bugs in it), so the forestry department might delay the opening of the campground so they can rectify the water issue before campers come.
* The Forestry Dept. has an extensive plan to do tree thinning by both mechanic means and a controlled burn, but they have been stopped by the Environmentalists. Until litigation is though, the thinning will not be allowed to happen.
* The latest target date for the camp refurbishment is now 2008.
Ron – None
Dall – None
Ryon – Gerald asked Ryon if the “swimming pool” behind the church is going to be repaired. Ryon said that while that problem wasn’t under his domain, he was of the opinion that nothing could be done until the fall. That spot is just a low collection point for water. Mary Esther – delayed her part until later in the meeting due to voting.

f. Fire Chief’s Report- Steve: The Dinner Committee paid for a new siren to be installed, which will be placed at the Brooks house on the North West side of the valley. The noise from the siren goes all the way up Lloyd Canyon. Our thanks goes to the Brooks for allowing us to post the siren at their home. We will probably need at least one more siren to cover the valley entirely.
* Tentative date for the new truck is June 19, but that is not confirmed. The truck is still set to be delivered to Omaha, NE where we will pick it up.
* During the last month there haven’t been any fire calls, but there were 3 EMT calls – two for Central and the other due to a rollover at Deadman’s curve.

g. Treasurer’s Report – George: Passed out a profit and loss statement for the first 4 months of this year. We spent $3900 more than we took in, but that will be reimbursed by grants that we have been awarded. A $5,000 reimbursement check is being sent to us which once that arrives will put us $1400 back ahead.
* The checkbook is at $5500, and the building payment of $10,650. is due. Ron motioned that we take the building payment money out of the saving account, to be reimbursed once the money from the fee letters starts to come in. Ryon seconded that motion and all else were in favor.
* Our insurance payment will also be coming due, so we would like to get the fee letters out as soon as possible.
* George checked on the insurance to see if it was appropriate for our current needs. He saw a man from the Local Utah Government Trust. This gentleman asked if we had a training manual for new volunteers, looked at our bays and said they were clean, if we had job descriptions for salaried employees, etc. He was really concerned about written policies and procedures. He said that he would send us out some examples. However, he was not real helpful as far as George’s original intent which was to make sure we had enough insurance to cover our needs. Bottom line is that we need to revue the insurance ourselves to determine whether or not it would suit our needs.
* Mary Esther asked who we paid insurance premiums to. George answered that with the exception of Workman’s Comp (which is state run), our other insurance comes from the Utah Local Government Trust. Steve jumped in and said that we have 24 hours from the time of an injury in which to report it to them.

h. Voting on possible Impact Fees and possible increase of the annual Fee Structure - Mary Esther said that she had talked to Dave Patterson (County Attorney) who at first thought we might need to readvertise again before our voting, but when he called back after doing research, he discovered that we were okay with all we had done. Mary Esther first brought up the Impact Fee issue, reminding everyone that we were looking at a $1,500 fee for new residences, plus .50 cents a foot for new additions. She then welcomed comments from the audience and Board members. Ed Anderson asked if existing home owners would have to pay for additions. Gae Robinson suggested that maybe if they were just adding on a garage or some [missing rest of this section].

i. Report from Julie Cropper – N/A due to Julie’s absence.

2 - Public Comments - None

At 7:35 PM, Dall moved for the meeting to adjourn. Ron seconded.

The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 5, 2006 at 6:00 P.M.