
The Pine Valley Special Service District Meeting was held on Wednesday, May 7,2003 in the Pine Valley Fire Department Conference Room. The meeting was convened at 6:10 p.m. Board Members present: Chairman Ron Snow, Victor Christensen, Ryon Gardner and Lee Carlile. Also present were Fred Pendelton of the Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee, Carolyn Carlile, Beverly Udell, Steve Robinson of the Washington County Planning & Zoning Commission and George Cropper who filled in for the Board Secretary in her absence.

Excused: Vice Chairman, Vicki Frei and Julie M. Cropper Secretary/Treasurer.

Board Member Victor Christensen led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:10 pm in the absence of Ron Snow, who joined the meeting later.

Minutes of the meeting of April 2, 2003 were read and approved on a motion by Lee and second by Ryon.

There were no building pennits to review.


Fire Chief Dall Winn reported on the following:

There were no citizen questions or requests for input at the meeting.


Fred passed out summaries of the community survey report. He said that Mike Williamson and Buzz Roach were new members of the Historical Advisory Committee and had helped put this report together. Fred discussed the format and results shown in the charts. He said they were considering some method to give weight to differences in "exposure" between full time residents and part time resident/visitors. Some graphs compared levels of concern for both full time and part time residents and cited the OHV graphs where 50% of all respondents are very concerned and 80% of full time residents are very concerned. He said the survey does not present any data about opinions of non-property owners who come to the valley to play or otherwise enjoy. The survey indicated that nobody wants more commercial uses in the valley.

The Trustees expressed their thanks to Fred and others on the Historical Committee for their work in acquiring the good information that we can use to guide the future in the valley.


Victor opened a discussion about OHV issues by saying he would like to have a discussion with Trustees and get their feeling before we jump into further action on this issue. He said he has been thinking of several options including disallowing OHVs completely in Pine Valley, but recognized that there are some people using them responsibly for valid reasons besides just recreation. He also said an option could be explored to have some written guidelines that might be enforced by members of the fire department using the trucks with flashing lights when they do patrols during the summer months. Firemen could contact OHV users and talk to them and if they don't get a positive response in following the rules the sheriff could be called.

The issues wERE discussed at length with the following items or concerns mentioned:

Ryon concluded the discussion by making a motion to accept the Historical Advisory Committee report and to have Victor prepare a letter to Washington County asking them to pursue an ordinance to prohibit Off Highway Vehicles on lands included in the Washington County's Pine Valley Zoning Map. Exceptions would be made for those with appropriate Agriculture Use Stickers who are engaged in activities related to owned agricultural properties in Pine Valley. This motion was seconded by Lee and carried on a voice vote.

Steve Robinson mentioned that Gae Robinson had completed her intermediate EMT training and presented a mileage bill for $340.20. Victor moved and Lee seconded a motion to reimburse these expenses. The motion carried.

Steve stated that the County had passed a Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance yesterday. Three areas, none of them near Pine Valley, were zoned for this use.


There being no further business, Lee moved adjournment. The motion was seconded by Victor and carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.


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public domain or © 2000 through 2004 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

Most recent revision Saturday January 17,2004