Minutes of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Trustees held at the Pine Valley Fire Station on Tuesday January 8, 2002. Board of Trustees members present were Ron Snow, Lee Carlile, and Vicki Frei, Victor Christensen and Ryan Gardner (who have been appointed as Trustees but are not as yet sworn in and did not vote at this meeting). In addition the meeting included Board Secretary Julie Cropper, and Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission member Steve Robinson. Pine Valley Fire Chief Dall Winn was excused.

Members of the public present were Ted Snow, Layne Frei, and George Cropper.

Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, the Board of Trustees voted using written ballots. Ron Snow was elected Chairman and Vicki Frei Vice-Chairman for the coming year, 2002. Ron Snow conducted the remainder of the meeting.

Minutes of the December 4, 2001 meeting were read by Secretary Julie Cropper. Some minor corrections were discussed. Lee Carlile moved and Vicki Frei seconded the motion to approve the minutes with corrections as noted. Motion carried by voice vote.

Ron Snowreported that the new fire engine was here and being prepared to be put into service. He stated that a funeral dinner had been held at the Fire Station unbeknownst to Dall Winn, Fire Chief, and that two hand-held radios appeared to be missing. Trucks were moved out of the bays and parked outside, and the bays as well as the conference room were used. Dall Winn is excused for this meeting, so further discussion on use of the building for this sort of gathering would be tabled until Dall could be made aware of the situation. The Board of Trustees feels that Dall's input was very important first.

Outgoing Chairman Ted Snow gave some maps and other information to the new Chairman Ron Snow.

Pending bills as listed on the agenda were considered. Vicki Frei moved and Lee Carlile seconded the motion to authorize payment of these bills. Motion carried by voice vote.

Lee Carlile mentioned a recent visit with Jan Furner of the Utah Association of special Service Districts. Mr. Furner had some good ideas for us, one being to check to see if we had liability insurance for Board of Trustees members, commonly called "errors and omissions" insurance to protect members against personal liability for Board of Trustees actions. Ted Snow said he thought we already carried this insurance. The Board Secretary will review our coverage to see if we have it.

Lee Carlile also said that Mr. Furner would be available to meet with the full Board to review our operations manual and answer any questions. Training for Board members will be held in November 2002, in Provo UT. Some expenses will be paid for by PVSSD. Julie Cropper, Board Secretary, provided current copies of the SSD manual covering Special Service District operations to all Board members.

The Board discussed information relating to the possible refinancing of the building loan. Two additional banks had been contacted. One had not been responsive. We are waiting for a response from the other bank. It was also reported that Jan Furner said that Zions Bank had been making low-interest loans to other districts. This will be followed up for the next meeting.

A date to honor outgoing Board members Ted Snow and Judd Burgess was discussed. Ron will contact Judd to see when he might be available and report further at the next meeting.

Julie Cropper mentioned the annual fire protection assessment letter which will be sent in February 2002. She asked the Trustees to review last year's letter and provide comments by the next meeting. It was suggested that the letter contain information about our second EMT and the new Board members.

Ron Snow asked about the status of the Community Improvement Committee and said that we should send out a letter and get the CIC up and running, and mention it in the annual letter.

Vicki discussed the status of the Pine Valley website. She said it needs updating and asked the Trustees if they would like to continue with the website and fund $13.50 in registration fees. After a brief discussion, a motion was made and seconded to fund the registration. The motion carried. Vicki will add Pine Valley maps to the site over the next few months.

A general discussion was held on the provisions of the Service District Charter and its coverage of water and sewer issues. The District controls no water, but could do it contractually. The potential for sewer services needs to be monitored. It was mentioned that water fees were going to increase for those on the Irrigation Company water system.

There being no further business, Vicki moved and Lee seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm.

All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

Most recent revision Sunday July 7, 2002