Pine Valley Historic Advisory Committee (PVHAC)
Minutes of the Meeting held On May 8,2003

Attending Members: Fred Pendleton, Beverly Udell, Bob Herpel, Bruce Bergeson, Buzz Roach, MikeWilliamson, Trinilee Christensen and Ryon Gardner PVSSD
Ex-officio Member:John Willie, Washington County
Absent Members: None
Guest: Bill Hipp (Forest Service)

Pledge of Allegiance was said at 6:02 PM, and the meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM byFred Pendleton, Chairman

The meeting followed the previously posted agenda.

1- Approval of the Minutes: The minutes for the meeting of March 6th, 2003 were read by Beverly. Buzz motioned for approval of the minutes, Bruce seconded and all were in favor. Next the minutes for the meeting of March 6th, 2003 were read by Beverly. Ryon motioned for approval of the minutes, Trinilee seconded and all were in favor.

John said that he could provide Fred with paper, printing costs, etc., or Fred could give hun a bill.

2- We are skipping #2 for the moment

3- Community Survey status report and review of data to date: Fred shared some of the findings of the survey thus far.

Snow removal -seems to be a non-concern, but results are skewed because the non-residents (who arent usually around in the winter) are also included in the survey. Mike, Buzz, and Fred got together on Monday to try to adjust for issues such as these. Fred titled this "Exposure Elements", meaning that the full-timers might get more weight in their answers because of the amount of their exposure to Pine Valley. Part-timers averaged 4 months a year in Pine Valley, while weekenders averaged just 28 days. Large Vehicles - the average score in this area was in the "wishy-washy" area.

OHV issues -full time residents scored at 80%, part-timers were at 60% and weekenders scored at 40%. Bottom line is that all are very concerned about OHV usage. Fred cautioned that we arent totally positive whether the OHV problem is caused mostly by the weekenders or by other people who dont even have property in Pine Valley. Many come in groups specifically for OHV use in Pine Valley. Bruce mentioned that people complaining about OHV use might reflect where they live because OHV use might be stronger in certain areas of the valley. Fred told this committee that the PVSSD voted last night to write a letter which will go to the county asking that Pine Valley be off limits to OHV use. Bill Hipp chimed in that the Forestry Department also has problems with OHV users because OHV users often get out of Pine Valley onto the forestry areas and then tear up the forestry grounds. He said the problem is hardly ever just people use the OHVs for a leisurely ride of sight-seeing, its more the people who want to tear around and around.

Other Items: Other items that Fred touched on from the survey included road conditions and maintenance, plus law enforcement. The water company got the highest rating in the whole survey. The Fire Department was the next highest in ratings, with the Forestry Department coming in 3rd.

Bruce asked Bill Hipp what the plans are for the proposed ATV trail. Bill mentioned that one idea was for the trail to come from Pinto, down Grass Valley Rd., down Main Street and then out right through town. If we have an OHV ordinance in place before then, the trail segment could not be placed through town. Back to #2- Guidelines for using the existing facilities report draft, land use survey map and survey data to determine future needs: John wants a 1st draft of the general plan map with 4 categories: a: low density (1 acre plus); b: agriculture/open space; C: commercial property; d: medium density (less than one acre). John brought maps for our assignment and had the committee "project" what a future map will look like in 20 years. Once the committee completed that assignment, John took the maps and said that next time he came back he would have a compilation of what we "guesstimated" on our 20 year plan for land use.

4-- Plan Elements Data Requirements:

a: Recreation activities and facilities available (in the community and in the national forest.) Bruce asked Bill Hipp what the plans are for the campsite. Bill said that next week there will be a meeting for the Forestry staff, then in a month a letter will go out to the public. The Foresters will then pick up where they left off last year regarding the revisions for the campsite area. Bill said that the plan from last year didnt pan once it was actually laid out, as they couldnt fit enough sites in the spaces that they had. The primary objective will be to keep what is up there (meaning space, peace and quiet) so the camping sites will have plenty of space between them. Bill detailed that a concern from last year was that there might be more cars coming through the valley if the camping area had more sites available, but his feeling is that it will remain the same or even less. Buzz asked about the paths from the reservoir that were in last years proposal, as his concerns were for the turkey habitats. Bill answered that they were looking into paved paths because people walking through all of the vegetation around the creeks and reservoir were ruining it. He said that if they make a place for the people to walk (paths), then people would tend to stay on the paths. The Forestry Department wants to re-vegetate the area and clean the streams. Bill added that the campsite is under the heading of "National" land and the people ARE coming. Folks from California or Nevada just look at it as a long weekend. If they can be given space, but limited space, then Bill feels the people can be controlled. Bruce asked about dredging the reservoir, to which Bill responded that this plan has been shelved for the moment. Long range plans are to build paths along the reservoir and streams, to which Bruce shared that his concern is if you build paths along the stream, you might be actually inviting even more people to walk along the streams.

Consensus from the survey: no more commercial ventures are wanted in Pine Valley, and folks dont want anything added that might attract more people to the area.

At 7:50 PM, Buzz made the motion to adjourn until the next meeting on June 5th. Bruce seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

The next meeting with be held on June 5, 2003 at 6:00 PM.

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