Pine Valley Historic Advisory Committee (PVHAC)
Minutes of the Meeting Held On February 6, 2003

Attending Members:
Fred Pendleton, Trinilee Christensen, Bob Herpel, Beverly Udell, Bruce Bergeson and Ryon
Gardner, PVSSD
Ex-officio Member (not present): John Willie, Washington County
Pledge of Allegiance was said at 6:04 PM, and the meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM by Fred Pendleton, Chairman. The meeting followed the previously posted agenda.

1- Approval of the Minutes: The Minutes' from the previous committee meeting, held on January 9,2003, were read by Beverly. Bruce motioned for approval of the minutes, Ryon seconded and all were in favor.

2- Community Facilities Reports:
a: Bob's Electrical' typed report was turned in and approved. b: The revised Water report (from Ryon) is still pending

3- Land Use Survey Status Report: Fred reported that there have been a few more revisions to the survey (i.e. homes documented, etc.) Fred shared the reports that John Willie had typed up for us (see attached report). Fred asked that we revue the report over the next month on our own, and to come prepared to discuss them with John at the next meeting on March 6, 2003.

4- Community Survey Status Report: The County printed the copies for us and they have now been placed in the bands of Julie Cropper. She will get started stuffing the envelopes over the next few days. Everyone who was present at this meeting received a copy of the finished survey.

5- Plan Elements Data Requirements and Assignments: Fred put together a revised copy of the "Plan Elements" (see attached report). #4 on the report has been completed. In regards to #5, Fred asked that we be aware as we are driving around town, or talking to people, of some historical elements or bit of information. Some of this type of information can be devided from old Pine Valley newsletters, but for older homes we might have to go to the County Assessors office to obtain the information. Bess Snow's book might also bear some pertinent information about when some of the historical homes were built. On item #6, Gerald Sheifer is compiling information for a Pine Valley Emergency Evacuation plan. We can glean information off of his committee's findings to help us with this item #6. For item #7 John asked previously to have us address homes which might be in need of serious repair or that might not be habitable. It was determined that committee members each take the same areas to review that they did for their land use reporting. Trinilee motioned for this committee to accept this assignment as Fred issued, Bruce seconded the motion and all were in favor. For question #8, Fred asked that we stay tuned and be aware of undesirable issues. On #9 (Population) we looked at data which was from the years 1890 to 1940. Currently we have around 28 permanent homes in the valley, which comes to approx. 40-50 people.

6- Comments, Non Agenda Items: Vicki Frei will be setting up a web link on the Pine Valley web site ( for issues related to this committee. This will, along with information about Personal Ponies, Ltd, and Heritage Realty, hopefully help bring more people back to the web site over and over again.

There is a vacancy on the committee, as Jay Ence has stepped down. Fred asked that we all think about whether or not there is a need to fill this open spot. Future possibilities might include Buzz Roach or Mike Williams?

Fred gave a PVSSD update from their meeting the night before.

At 6:55 PM, Bob made the motion to adjourn until the next meeting on March 6. Trinilee seconded the motion, and all were in favor.

The next meeting with be held on March 6,2003 at 6:00 PM.

All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

Most recent revision Friday April 25, 2003