Minutes of the Meeting held On June 1, 2005
Attending Members: Ron Snow (Chairman); Gerald Schiefer (VC); Mary Esther Putnam
Also Present: Steve Robinson (Fire Chief) and George Cropper (Treasurer)
Absent Members: Victor Christensen; Ryon Gardner and Beverly Udell (Secretary/Clerk)
Guests: Fred Pendleton; ReNae and Tony Romney; Marsha and Rick Nelson; and Tom Lamb.
1. General Business: a/b. Welcome – The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM by Chairman Ron Snow and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
c. Review/Approval of the ‘Minutes of The Meeting’ from May 4, 2005 – Minutes were read by George Cropper, who took over in Beverly’s absence. Changes incurred were the spelling of Victor’s last name and a $50,000 figure was changed to $15,000. Minutes were then approved as amended. Gerald motioned, Mary Esther seconded, and the motion carried.
d. Pine Valley Business Permits Reviewed:
All plans were approved and signed off.
e. Board Member Reports: Ron – will be calling Alan Gardner about a replacement for Victor Christensen, who is leaving the Board because he moved out of Pine Valley.
Mary Esther - Nothing at this time.
Gerald - Presented stream flow data updates. We are well above a 45 year average. The creek has peaked and is now starting to drop off. * The Forest Service is going to do a demonstration fire and tree cleaning around Spence Reber’s place. The community will be invited to observe it to learn.
f. Fire Chief’s Report: Steve said that there was one call-out during the last month for a flood event on Mountain View Dr., which flooded two basements. The area was sandbagged and the County came to redo the road.
The trade on the truck is still proceeding. Enterprise will deliver the newer truck tomorrow. Northwest Spec. Service Dist. will buy our LaFrance for Gunlock. The exchange we are getting is from a 1967 LaFrance to a 1978 LaFrance. A check for $7,500 was requested and approved last month for the City of Enterprise.
Steve has been in classes concerning new Fire Department requirements. We will need modifications. We will provide Wildland Urban Interface operating standards with other agencies. We will need fire training to continue. The State may waive the physical test so that our trained people can still be red-carded.
State and Federal grants will be reduced beginning next year. We need to re-evaluate the fees we charge to homeowners if we continue to apply for grants. Discussion ensued about process for increasing the fees.
We received two new AED machines - one was placed in the church, the other in Gae’s vehicle. Next Thursday there will be AED and CPR training at the Fire Station at 6:00 PM.
Gerald moved to go ahead and accept an offer from Steven Wade to get a meter for tanks at the Wade Ranch for the purpose of having diesel fuel there for the fire trucks so we don’t need to haul it in cans from Veyo. Mary Esther seconded the motion and all else were in favor.
g. Treasurer Report: George will get an accounting of fixed expenses so we can compare that to our present income.
2. Citizen Requests – None.
At 7:10PM, Mary Esther motioned for the meeting to adjourn. Gerald seconded. Motion carried. The next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 6, 2005.