
The regular meeting of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board Members was held on Wednesday, September 3, 2003 at the Pine Valley Fire Station on Main Street. Chairman, Ron Snow, called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.

Chairman, Ron Snow, led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board Members present: Ron Snow, Chairman, Vicki Frei, Vice Chairman, Lee Carlile, and Ryon Gardner. Absent: Victor Christensen.

Also present: Dall Winn, Fire Chief and Julie M. Cropper, Administrative Secretary/Treasurer

Public present: Steve Robinson representing Washington Co. Planning and Zoning Commission, and Fred Pendelton of the Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee. Others present were Layne Frei, Guin Winn, Rick Fleming, Sarah Fleming, Cory Fleming, Beverly Udell, Grant Cottrell, Curt Cottrell, Erle Snow and George Cropper.


Chairman, Ron Snow said he did not know of any building permits to consider and had nothing to report from Washington County.

Vice Chairman; Vicki Frei mentioned that the report of the Pine Valley Historical Committee was available on the Pine Valley web site.

Lee Carlile questioned why the Board members are appointed rather than being elected by the people affected. The board discussed this and it was mentioned that many Service District Boards in the County are elected. Only a few are appointed. Lee said, it probably depends on how the districts' charters are prepared in the beginning. Lee said he felt it would be better to have the members elected and let the people have more direct input on who serves on their board. The other board members agreed that this was a good idea.

Ron asked the public present about elected or appointed boards. The consensus was that an election would be the better option.

There will be three board vacancies at year's end but probably not enough time to get candidates on a ballot this fall. Secretary, Julie Cropper will contact Utah As~n. of Special Service Districts and get information about elections and charter amendments. Ron will contact the Washington County Offices about the possible change.

Ryon Gardner said the Pine Valley Irrigation Company is still testing on the new well, but the flow seems to be about 150 gpm and less than they had hoped.


Fire Chief Dall Winn reported on the following items:

Ron asked about the status of the $4,500 allocated for the Dept. operating budget for the first half of the year. Discussion followed and apparently there is not a process to track these expenditures separately from the other district expenses. Also, there has not been any planned Dept. operating budget for the second half. It was decided to continue to operate on the previously agreed threshold of $500 per individual expenditure. Dall said he will need $600 to 700 total over the next month, but these will not exceed the agreed $500 threshold. The Board said they would like to get a spread sheet on expenditures to date this year for the next meeting. Julie will prepare this.

Lee asked about the EMT contract with Jack Horner on training expenses. Julie said that Jack has paid most of his expenses himself and the District had paid some expenses, but did not have a contract with him. It was mentioned that Jack had contributed much time and effort to our department beyond his EMT work.


Ron asked for any questions, concerns or input from the public present.

Curt Cottrell asked about procedures to get a speed limit sign for Sage Road. He was told that the signs are the responsibility of the County road dept. and he could contact Supervisor Ken Canfield.

Grant Cottrell asked if ATV riders could ride on adjacent roads on Forest Service lands as opposed to constantly running up and down Sage Road. The board said they do not know why they don't, but if gates are left open, there will be cows wandering in town. If there are ATV violations, including speeding, the Sheriff can be contacted for enforcement.

ErIe Snow said that an electrical substation will be installed soon, and when it is, there will be a 30 minute power outage. He also mentioned that water situation is OK now as the spring flow has increased back to 500 gpm.




Fred Pendelton reported that the Historical Advisory Committee held a public hearing on the proposed Pine Valley General Plan on July 22. The attendance was small. The committee's regular meeting will be tomorrow night to consider comments on the plan and he hopes to have it revised and submitted to County Planning following this meeting.


Steve Robinson reported that the County says that OHV speed limit signs are on order and that three Sexually Oriented Business sites were designated by the County, none of which are near Pine Valley.


Secretary, Julie Cropper read a letter from the Utah State AuditotOffice indicating that the District's financial reports for 2002 are in "substantial compliance" with state requirements.

Julie also expressed the need for training and certification of Board members and said that the Utah Assn. of Special Service District will have their annual meeting on Nov. 6 and 7. As of today, she is the only one Utah Certified. Julie made a requested to have expenses paid for her to attend and suggested that all Board members should go. The Utah Assn. will pay $100 toward expenses of Board members who attend the training. Lee moved and Vicki seconded a motion to pay expenses to send Julie and any Board members who could go. The motion passed.


Wednesday, October 2, 2003


There being no further business, Vicki moved and Lee seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.


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public domain or © 2000 through 2004 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

Most recent revision Saturday January 17,2004