The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Pine Valley Special Service District was held on Wednesday, July 2, 2003 at the Pine Valley Heritage Center on Main Street. Vice Chair, Vicki Frei, called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M.
Vice Chairman, Vicki Frei led everyone in the pledge of allegiance.
Board Members present: Vicki Frei, Vice Chairman; Lee Carlile, Victor Christensen and Ryon Gardner. Absent: Ron Snow, Chairman. Also present were Dall Winn, Fire Chief, Julie Cropper, Administrative Secretary/Treasurer. Public present: Steve Robinson, Washington County Planning and Zoning Representative; Gae Robinson, EMT; Patrick J. Homer, Guin Wino, Rheon Pendelton, Gary Draper, Bob Herpel, George Cropper, Carolyn Carlile, Rick Fleming, Trinilee Christensen, Beverly Udell, Mike Williamson, Don (Buzz) Roach and Layne Frei.
Minutes of the meeting of June 4, 2003 were read and accepted on a motion by Lee Carlile and a second by Ryon Gardner. The meeting was turned over to Lee Carlile who conducted the remainder of the meeting as the Vice Chair had to leave.
- Julie Cropper, Secretary/Treasurer gave a financial report for the first half of 2003 and copies were available to the Board Members. She summarized income and expenses and there were no comments or discussion.
- It was mentioned that one building permit had been reviewed and there were no others to be considered at this time.
- Julie said she had prepared the contracts for herself and the Fire Chief, Dall Winn as requested. Copies were available for the board to review. There were no questions and they were signed.
- Ryon Gardner mentioned that the Pine Valley Water Company well drilling was just completed with water standing at 100 feet in a 400 foot hole.
- Victor Christensen discussed the ongoing OHV issue. He said the County Commissioners had decided to impose a 15 mile per hour speed limit for OHV's with no other restrictions except the prohibition on paved streets. This was done at a meeting where there was not Pine Valley representation or input because of a communication breakdown with the notification. This issue was discussed, and the Board and most of the public present did not think the 15 mph limit would solve any of the dust or noise problems, since riders regularly violate other rules including riding on paved roads and posted speed limits.
- Victor said there will be another meeting with the County Attorney on next Tuesday at 10:00 A.M. to further discuss this issue and the Commission may reconsider at their meeting at 2:00 pm on Tuesday. Gary Draper asked about the status of the OHV prohibition in the valley that was favored by most people. It was explained that the Commissioners had not seriously considered this option since it has county wide implications. Julie will contact Ron Snow about the Tuesday meeting.
Fire Chief, Dall Winn reported on the activities of the Department for the past year.
- the fire hydrant at the bottom of Sage Road has been installed.
- fire restrictions now prohibit open fires and fireworks in Pine Valley. Exceptions are in approved sites in the Forest Service campgrounds and propane stoves or barbecues. These restrictions are set by State Law for unincorporated areas. The area has been signed and enforcement is through the Sheriff's office.
- gave thanks for the 25 active fire and 2 EMT volunteers for their service over the year and read the names of the department members.
- read an impressive list of training totalling 1100 person-hours that the department had participated in during the past year.
- our equipment includes 2 engines, 1 reserve engine, and 2 wild land trucks. One wild land truck and some of its equipment had been largely donated through Newby Buick and the Pine Valley Dinner Committee.
- we have received 3 grants during the year, one federal and two state and with these have purchased 20 sets of wild land protective gear, 16 sets of structural gear, and 11 hand held radios.
- we have improved equipment storage in the firehouse.
- we have responded to 3 fires and about 15 EMT call outs during the year. There were 2 fatalities in town during the year.
- we now have an Automatic External Defibrillator and there are 12 people in town certified to use it and 2 - 3 others trained in its use.
- we are submitting grant applications for the coming year which will be over $44,000.
- Dall introduced Brittany Taggart who lives on the comer of Lloyd Canyon and Main Street and is an EMT.
- Lee suggested that the Pine Valley Special Service District thank Erie Snow and Leon Bowler of Dixie REA who paid for 7 of the AED certification expenses. Julie will write a thank you note.
- We will order some CPR mouth protection devices to sell at the annual dinner. Victor said we could get some to pass out to people who would use them.
- The public present were invited to ask questions or make comments. There were none.
- Fred Pendelton of the Historical Advisory Committee said that the public survey was done and about 90% of the respondents said that they would like to see the rural character including meadowlands and open fields of Pine Valley preserved. He summarized the survey saying that most people come to Pine Valley for the mountains; they like the quiet small village atmosphere; most do not want additional commercial development and would like to see some architectural standards to be consistent with a mountain rural community. Fred said he had copies of the draft Pine Valley General Plan that is being prepared by the County available and the County will accept comments and hold a hearing on this plan.
- Fred introduced or read names of Historical Committee members and thanked them for volunteering their time.
- Steve Robinson representing Washington County Planning and Zoning said that OHVs are a county wide problem, that Utah Law specifically prohibits them on dedicated highways and any input can be given to Victor or Fred to take to Tuesday's meeting. The phone number of the County Commission office is 634-5700 and people can call this office or the Commissioners directly.
- Steve said the Sheriffs office had committed to spend more time enforcing laws in Pine Valley.
- He explained the OHV trail proposal that could come through town from the Pinto road to the Church and out west Main Street. This proposal has not come up in County meeting yet. He opined that the community does not want any formal OHV trail to come through the town.
- Wednesday, August 6, 2003
There being no further business, Ryon made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Victor. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 pm.
All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000 through 2004 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District
Most recent revision Saturday January 17,2004