Minutes of the meeting of Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Trustees held at the Pine Valley Fire Station on April 2, 2003. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm by Chairman Ron Snow. Other trustees present were Lee Carlile, Vicki Frei, Ryon Gardner and Victor Christensen. Also present were Fire Chief, Dall Winn, Secretary Julie Cropper, Layne Frei, Carolyn Carlile, Beverly Udell and George Cropper. Fred Pendelton represented the Pine Valley Heritage Committee and Steve Robinson represented the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ron welcomed those present. Minutes of the meeting held on March 5, 2003 were read by the Secretary. It was noted that the assignment made for Victor Christensen to lead and represent the board on OHV issues had been omitted. Lee moved to approve the minutes with that correction. The motion was seconded by Vicki and carried.
Ron mentioned that there were no building permits to review, but that someone was building on what appears to be Lot 5 in the Kelly Larson subdivision. Julie will check the latest building permits and report to the board at the next meeting.
Ron mentioned that the County Commission was having discussions about proposed legislation for more wilderness withdrawals. They are not in favor of more withdrawals, but this issue will be considered further. There was nothing else from the County affecting Pine Valley.
Vicki said that she had most of the remaining Trustee meeting minutes posted on the website.
Lee had nothing to report about coordination with the Utah Association of Special Service Districts.
Ryon reported that the water situation is about where we left off last fall. Spring Branch is flowing less water than at this time last year, and there is the possibility for watering restrictions this year. He added that the Irrigation Company is still pursuing a well drilling permit to put a well near the water tank in Lloyd Canyon.
Dall Winn gave the following update on fire department operations:
Steve asked Ryon to update on the status of new fire hydrants. Ryon said one was broken and he has the parts to fix it. The new one to be installed is waiting on a definite location. We do not as yet have this hydrant, and we may want to connect it to the 8 inch water main. The Service District pays for the hydrant and its installation. Ryon will follow up on the location and getting repairs, getting the new hydrant located, ordered and installed.
Steve mentioned that we do not have a required emergency brake back up system on the La France engine and it is not safe without it. It would cost $400 to $500 that have this installed. The Board decided that this was necessary and to have it installed. Steve will follow up to have this done.
Julie mentioned that the flagpole had been ordered and Jack Horner had agreed to install the pole and appropriately raise and lower the flag.
Fred provided a handout and gave a preliminary report on community survey results on behalf of the Heritage Committee. He specifically mentioned question 9 about traffic safety and off road vehicles. Forty percent of respondents had marked this as their number one concern. He also said there is a lot of concern about vehicle speeding, road and street maintenance and law enforcement. Three people wrote letters to expand on their thoughts.
Fred will keep updating the results as more responses come in and provide a final report to Ron by May.
Steve mentioned that if the District intends to have a public meeting about the survey results and the OHV issue, it has to be advertised at least 14 days in advance of the meeting. Ron will follow up on meeting arrangements.
Steve reported that the County's Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance was in draft form to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission next week. There will be public notifications and hearing as it is considered by the County Commission.
Steve said that the Nuisance Ordinance had been placed on the County Attorney's list of actions as a County wide issue.
There were no public requests to bring issues to the Board.
There being no further business, Lee moved and Vicki seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.
All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000 through 2004 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District
Most recent revision Saturday January 17,2004