A regular meeting of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Trustees was called to order at 5;30 p.m. by Chairman Ron Snow.

Board of Trustees present: Chairman, Ron Snow, Trustees, Ryon Gardner, Victor Christensen, and Lee Carlile. Dall Winn, Fire Chief and Julie Cropper PVSSD SecretarylTreasurer were also present. vicki Frei, Vice-Chairman was excused.

Members of the public present: Fred Pendelton of the Pine Valley Heritage Advisory Committee; Steve Robinson representing Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission; Carolyn Carlile, Grant Cottrell, Mary Cottrell, K G Cottrell, Beverly Udell, Bob Herpel and George Cropper.

Chairman, Ron Snow welcomed those present and conducted the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Minutes of the August 6, 2002 meeting were read and approved on a motion made by Victor Christensen and seconded by Lee Carlile.

Chairman, Ron Snow discussed building plan reviews. The overall height of a home construction project next to Spence Reber was questioned and decided it needed to be investigated. Victor mentioned building plans for the Jacobson home in his neighborhood will be hand carried.

Ron asked if there were any issues from Board of Trustees that needed to be discussed. Victor raised the ongoing issue of OHVs or 4 wheelers and described the dust, noise and road damages that had occurred over the past weekend. He said Pine Valley has become a OHV recreation area. Some were concerned with the overall issue of speed and safety of highway traffic mixed up with OHVs. These issues were concerns of most Trustees and other persons present and a lengthy discussion suggested various ways that this problem could be controlled. Ideas presented and discussed included signing, going to the Washington County governing bodies and trying to get them to "outlaw" OHV use in Pine Valley with some legitimate permitted exceptions, and press officials for more enforcement under present nuisance ordinance. Ryon and some others felt that there were some legitimate uses of these vehicles and that an all-out ban might be going too far.

The possibility of a permitting system was discussed with someone issuing permits to persons with legitimate uses and banning the purely recreation uses. Fred said that options and possible solution would be researched by his committee.

As an interim measure, Victor moved that some signs be prepared with wording developed to prohibit casual and incessant OHV riding for purely recreational reasons and be erected on the entrances to town. The placement of the signs was discussed and Ryon seconded this motion. The motion carried by voice vote. Victor will take the lead on having the signs prepared.

Fire Chief Dall Winn reported on the following:

- we had a very successful dinner. Over 700 people were fed and over $5,000 was cleared, most of which will come back to benefit the fire department.

- we have received a state grant of $2,500 which requires a 50% match. He plans to get radios that double as pagers which cost about $500 each. we are waiting to hear about the federal grant application and if we get it, we may not use the state grant since the matching is more for the State Grant.

- next Ģire training will be on Sept 7 at 9;00 am.

- there was a meeting last month with the County Fire Warden and the Forest Service. They discussed fire hazards in forested communities such and ours and talked about grant opportunities, reducing fuel around buildings and said their planning services are available along with a chipper to help clear brush and trees.

- September 23,2002 will be the annual truck pump tests and will be $100 per truck tested.

- the department will have a truck in the Dixie Roundup Parade in St. George on September 14, 2002.

- mentioned that Jack Horner, a Fire Dept. volunteer has begun to take EMT training in Cedar City. Jack also has property in Nevada but is in Pine Valley most of the time. Dall asked the Board if they wanted to sponsor him and pay training costs. This was discussed and decided to review a financial update prepared by the Secretary at the next meeting before making a decision.

Ron said he had some grant information sent to him by the US Forest Service and passed it on to Fred Pendelton for his committee to review.

Steve Robinson discussed some training that he and Fire Dept. members had attended provided by the Utah State Dept. of Natural Resources and the Five County Assn. of Governments concerning creating Community Wildfire Councils, Community Wildfire hazard reduction / evacuation plans, and grant application preparation. This is focused mainly around reducing hazardous fuels around homes and on private properties. These ideas were discussed and Dall said that he and those he had talked to generally felt that a formal "Council" is not necessary, but that we could do a fire plan and provide information to property owners and suggestions on how to reduce their risks. It was suggested that the Board could get the Fire Warden to come and meet with them and show his video and discuss his services in hazard reduction. The Board agreed with these ideas.

Julie passed on a concern from Vicki Frei about people camping around the solid waste collection area. It was decided that the US Forest Service and County Solid Waste were responsible to police this site.

The annual meeting of the Utah Association of Special Service Districts will be held in Provo in early November. This costs $130 per person for the two day Convention. Julie is interested in going. None of the Board members expressed interest. Ryon made a motion to pay expenses for Julie to attend the Utah Special Service District Convention, November 7 & 8,2002. Included in the motion was to also reimburse Steve Robinson for fuel expenses when he went to the Fire Planning training and pay expenses for the truck pump testing. The motion was seconded by Victor.

Beverly Udell said the "Pine Valley Lodge" was advertising and renting a house next to McCaliums on a nightly or short term basis. It was mentioned that there was also another house in this category and both violate zoning ordinances. This will be referred to the Washington County planner for action.

Fred discussed activities of the Pine Valley Historical Advisory Committee. A meeting was not held in August, but one is scheduled for Thursday, September 5, 2002. They will be inventorying valley utility systems and starting a land use inventory. It will be a challenge to inform property owners about what their purposes are.

Steve reported that the proposed Washington County Special events ordinance had been tabled indefinitely and will have to be pushed to have it ready for next year. The Board should express their desires to Brock Belnap.

There being no further business, Ryon moved and Victor seconded a motion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.

All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

Most recent revision Saturday March 29, 2003