Minutes ofthe meeting of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Trustees held at the Pine Valley Fire Station on Oct. 1, 2002. Trustees in attendance were Ron Snow, Chairman; Lee Carlile, Vicki Frei, and Victor Christensen. Others present included Dall Winn, Pine Valley Fire Chief; Julie Cropper, Board Secretary/Treasurer; Brad Steggel, Utah Div. of Parks and Recreation; Fred Pendelton, Pine Valley Heritage Committee Chairman; Steve Robinson, Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission Representative; Guin Winn, Gae Robinson, Layne Frei, and George Cropper.
Ron Snow called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes of the meeting of September 3,2002 were read and approved on a motion by Vicki Frei and second by Victor Christensen. The minute reference to camping at the solid waste site was discussed and clarified. Vicki will contact Washington County Solid Waste to clarify jurisdiction and suggest a "No Camping" sign be erected.
Victor mentioned that the Jacobsen house plans need to be reviewed after the meeting.
Brad Steggel was introduced to provide clarification on the State's OHV regulations. He read 5 rules that pertain to the Pine Valley situation including one that permits counties or municipalities to designate their own routes and roads and open or closed. He suggested that we contact Washington County to see what their rules are and get them to make rules ifnecessary. He said present enforcement of the Parks and Recreation Division is mostly on public lands and they do not overlap local law enforcement in cities and towns.
He also suggested that we could do a lot with education of riders about ethics and where to ride. Some of the public and board took exception to the "education idea", saying that although most riders know the rules, they are openly defiant.
Fred Pendelton mentioned that John Willey had met with the Pine Valley Heritage Committee and had said OHV signing would be consistent with Washington County County Planning rules.
A lengthy discussion followed which included ideas for signing, effectiveness of enforcement and the necessity for Washington County involvement, or roadblocks coming into town to talk to people and solicit their cooperation. Action items decided on are:
-get some professionally done signs. Victor will have the lead and draft some language to review at the next meeting.
-contact the Sheriff or under sheriff to visit one of our meetings and discuss enforcement.
-work with the County to get some kind of stricter designation for OHV use on Pine Valley streets and roads and designate some ways leading out oftown to open areas.
-get OHV information into the Forest Service Heritage Center next summer so that the hosts can answer questions and hand out information.
Brad Steggel also said that he could be called at (435) 574-4913 for special enforcement problems or for contacting parents of nuisance riders.
Vicki mentioned that she would not be seeking reappointment to her position at year's end. Some question arose about the length of Trustees' terms. Julie will clarify term expirations with Washington County.
Fire Chief Dall Winn reported on the following items:
-the Department has acquired diesel crewcab Ford truck. The Dinner Committee donated $5,000 and the rest ofthe value was donated by Ken Newby of Newby Buick. It was valued at about $12,900. We have a tank and reel to put on it, but will need some other equipment as follows, $2,500 for a radio, two light bars at $600 each and a pump and engine costing between $3,000 and 4,000. He also needs $2,500 to $3,000 for EMT uniforms and Wildland Fire Gear.
-based on the above estimates, asked for a $10,000 budget. Some of the costs may be covered by grants that are pending, but needs $6,000 now and can wait till spring to get the pump and engine.
-Fire training will be held on Oct. 12 at 9:00 am. We have been getting a good volunteer turnout. Victor questioned whether some training could be held other than on Saturday. This was discussed with no firm conclusion.
-financing Jack Horner's EMT training. Dall recommended some level of support for Jack. After some discussion, Vicki moved that we do the same as had been done with Gae with funding provided by tuition, books and gas subject to a written agreement to stay and do EMT duties and reimburse specified percentages based on a time factor. The motion was discussed and amended to cover tuition and books only due to the distance to be traveled to Cedar City. This amended motion was seconded by Victor, and carried.
Julie presented a Profit and Loss Statement for the year to date. The checkbook has about $13,000 and we expect about $7,000 in expenses to years' end. There will be no more significant income until after the first of January. The Board then considered Dall's budget requests. He said his priorities right now are for the lightbars, radios, and a pump and engine to equip the Ford truck. After some discussion, Lee moved to match whatever is necessary for state for federal grant monies to acquire the lightbars and radios. This motion was seconded by Victor and carried.
Fred reported on activities of the Pine Valley Heritage Committee:
-their last meeting included a lengthy OHV discussion and they will support the Service District Board actions.
-this weeks meeting will finish their community facilities reports and they are starting some work on a land use survey next. They are also working on historical preservation ideas, environmental constraints, population etc.
-they will need a mail survey of property owners and questioned how to pay for a mailing. It was suggested that this might be send along with the annual fee assessment mailing in January 2003.
-most of this work will be done during the winter and spring and their will be some public meetings in the Spring.
Vicki mentioned that it might be a good idea for the PVSSD Board to review the mini-survey and give any ideas they have. A copy was provided to Julie. Fred also said he has copies oftheir work outline and a sheet explaining the organization and purpose ofthe Pine Valley Heritage Committee.
Steve Robinson reported on the following:
-Gerald Schieffer will head up a wildfire hazard reduction and emergency evacuation planning committee.
- the La France fire engine was in the Dixie Roundup Parade and the Dalmatian dog was the hit of the parade.
- there were 3 EMT responses this past month.
- Washington County's draft of the " Special Events Ordinance" has been tabled and further action has been postponed.
There being no further business, Vicki moved and Lee seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either Most recent revision Saturday March 29, 2003
public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District