A regular monthly meeting of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Trustees was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Chairman, Ron Snow.

Board of Trustees present: Ron Snow, Chairman; Vicki Frei, Vice Chairman; Victor Christensen, Ryon Gardner and Lee Carlile. Dall Winn - PV Fire Chief, and Julie Cropper - Board Secretary/Treasurer, were also present. Members of the public attending were Trinilee Christensen, Bruce Bergeson, Guin Winn, Gary L. Draper, Bob Herpel, Steve Robinson, Layne Frei, Gerald R. Schiefer, John Willie, Carolyn Carlile and George Cropper.

Chairman Ron Snow welcomed those present and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the meeting of April 2, 2002 were read. Vicki made a motion to accept the minutes with a minor correction. Victor seconded the motion which carried.

Ron reported on appeals made to the Dixie National Forest Service on the campground reconstruction proposals.

Following up on the last meeting, Ron asked if anyone had seen final building plans for the Root home. No one had seen them as of yet. Ron is to find why.

Ron asked if any of the PVSSD Board of Trustees had any issues to be brought to the board. No one had any to discuss at this time.

John Willie of the Washington County Planning Department spoke at the request of the Washington County Commissioners concerning the Pine Valley Advisory Committee. He said the Washington County Commissioners wanted to make the Pine Valley Advisory Committee official and legal and had made a formal membership announcement. The formal Committee appointments will be made by the Washington County Commission, hopefully on May 28, 2002.

The Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Trustees have also been acting as a town board under the direction of the Washington County Commissioners. They asked that this be done so that everyone could be well informed and work together.

The PVSSD Board is to select one of the Trustees to be on the Pine Valley Advisory Board and attend their meetings each month. It was suggested that Victor Christensen could serve but there was a question trom the audience where this would be a conflict of interest with his wife, Trinilee Christensen already on the Advisory Board. It was then decided to table the decision on the selected Trustee until a later date. Vicki Frei asked John WillIe if a formal statement should be drafted. His answer was yes. No one was chosen at this time to write the statement. Some one will need to be selected at the next PVSSD Meeting.

Lee Carlile asked whether the PVSSD Charter should be amended to have Pine Valley Advisory Board report to the PVSSD Board. Julie will check on revising the District Charter to possibly include community planning.

There was considerable discussion about the role of the Advisory Committee and working relationships between the PVSSD Board of Trustees, Washington County Planner and Washington County Commissioners. The County will likely accept the Board's recommendation on working relationships. It was decided that a written statement and/or flow chart would be appropriate to document these relationships. Gary Draper will draft this and the Washington County Planner will await the PVSSD Board's decision on this.

Vicki Frei asked about the preparation ofthe Washington County Event Ordinance. John Willey said it was in the hands of the Washington County Attorney, who will be pushing hopefully to have it ready by summer. She also asked about Washington County's Large Animal Ordinance. John said he did not know the status of that one.

There was some discussion on Washington County road maintenance and the potential impact ofthe National Forest Service construction on Washington County roads and the possible damage from heavy construction equipment on the road from Central, Utah.

Pine Valley Fire Chief Dall Winn reported on the following items:

- training conducted by the Fire Academy was completed on May 2, 3, and 4th. Hats were presented by the Pine Valley Dinner Committee to the volunteers who completed the training.

- the radio in the new engine has been programmed and we now have two radios on the County system.

- Dall will host the Washington County Fire Chiefs meeting on June 4, and asked for $40 for expenses. Lee moved to approve the request. The motion was seconded by Ryon and approved.

- a large "NO OPEN BURNING" sign has been purchased and put up. The Dixie National Forest Service donated some smaller signs. It was asked if the Forest Service was paying the annual assessment for Pine Valley fire protection fees (3 buildings involved). The letter had been sent but it has been returned as having an incorrect address. The secretary will hand deliver to the St. George Forest Service Office.

- we may need some trickle battery chargers for the trucks.

- Dall asked about having a Pine Valley Department specific budget set aside for specific fire department expenses so that he would not need to get approval from the Board for each routine expense. The Board generally favored this arrangement and asked Dall to come up with a proposal.

- recognition of past PVSSD Board members was discussed. It was felt that all past members should be recognized.It was decided to invite all past board members to the meeting July 2, 2002.

After discussion. Vicki moved to get a large plaque and put the names and dates of service on it and have it large enough to add more names in the future. Victor seconded the motion and it carried.

Jerry Schiefer and Steve Robinson led a discussion about the outcome of a meeting with Dixie National Forest Service Officials on the proposed reconstruction and possible expansion of the recreation areas. One of the main issues was expansion. The National Forest Service proposed action allows of expansion of up to 13%. Jerry and Steve felt that local input which generally opposed expansion had been ignored and the project will likely go through without serious consideration of input from the people affected the most. General discussion followed about issues including sewage, heavy construction equipment, water systems and hauling commercial timber out. These issues will be further discussed at the Pine Valley Advisory Committee meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2002.

Victor presented Trinilee Christensen's information about the Princess contest. He passed out draft copies of guidelines; Pine Valley Dinner Committee representative Guin Winn said they would contribute $200 each year, if their funds permitted it.

Steve Robinson presented a bill for expenses and reported on Gae's EMT training. She was highest in the class on her final exam and will request the PVSSD Board of Trustees support a wavier to reduce the six month waiting period. Vicki moved and Victor seconded the motion to approve the expenses. The motion carried.

Steve also reported on the Washington County Special Events Ordinance which will address fire, safety, water, sanitation and noise and will require a County permit. He said the animal ordinance proposes no farm animals on properties smaller than I acre unless grandfathered in, and no more than 3 dogs or cats owned by propery owner, otherwise their premises would be considered a kennel and require a license.

There being no further business, Lee made a motion to adjourn and Ryon seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.

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public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

Most recent revision Saturday March 29, 2003