A regular monthly meeting of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Trustees was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Ron Snow, Chairman.
Board of Trustees present: Lee Carlile, Victor Christensen, Vicki Frei, Ryon Gardner & Ron Snow, Chairman. Board Secretary/Treasurer Julie Cropper, PVSSD Fire Chief Dall Winn, Steve Robinson, Layne Frei & George Cropper were also present.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, minutes of the January 8, 2002 were read by Secretary, Julie Cropper. Lee Carlile made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Victor Christensen second the motion. The motion carried.
Ron reported on the resolution of a board of trustee qualification issue that had been raised at the visit with Mr. Jan Furner of the Utah Association of Special Service Districts. Ron provided a letter with statistics on residence in Pine Valley being taxed as "Primary Residences". He said he had reviewed the stat law amendment with his lawyer of Jenkins & Jensen and said it was almost impossible to determine how many people are or are not full time residents. The PVSSD discussed the 17A-2-1326 Utah State Special District Code (1, a-e). Each board member was given a copy of the code. Ron Snow presented a listing of the approximate amount of residence in Pine Valley. This showed 818 lots total. We have approximately 450 residence at this given date.
There was further discussion about a person having only have one principle place of residence and register to vote in only one place according to the Washington County Clerks office. Board members were aware of this and finally agreed that if a person was eligible and registered to vote in the district, which includes Pine Valley, they would be eligible to serve on the Pine Valley Special Service District. All board members said okay and Ryon Gardner was congratulated as a new member.
Fire Chief, Dall Winn reports:
George Cropper presented loan refinancing proposals from both Zion and Village Banks for fixed interest rate loans. After some consideration and discussion, Ryon moved and Vicki seconded a motion to continue with the existing adjustable rate loan from Zion's Bank. The motion carried.
Ron discussed plans for honoring the service of Ted Snow and Judd Burgess. After discussion, it was decided to try and honor them for their years of service at the annual town meeting in July. Ron will talk to Judd again this week.
The upcoming annual assessment letter was discussed with the following ideas presented:
Victor Christensen suggested that instead of putting all of the brush and tree limbs in dumpsters to be hauled to the landfill, they could be piled at a cleared location to be burned in wintertime. After some discussion, it was decided that the board did not want to take the responsibility or liability for this.
Vicki gave an update on the Pine Valley Website progress.
Ron asked about the "errors and omissions" liability insurance coverage. Julie passed around the policy declarations that do list "errors and omissions" as a part of the district's liability coverage.
Ron asked about the Pine Valley Community Improvement Committee. The Committee has been chosen and a letter sent out to each. The first meeting will be on Feb. 21, 200 at 6:00 p.m. This will be an organizational meeting and the public and board trustees are invited.
Steve mentioned that the County Special Events Ordinance will be reviewed by the Planning Commission in late March or April. Issues related to this are fire, public safety, security and noise. He presented a bill for Gae"s EMT training mileage etc. He reported she is doing well in classes.
The board discussed using a tape recording to document proceedings in meetings. It was decided that this was not advisable nor necessary except perhaps in special complicated or contentious meetings in which case, the recording can be used to summarize and prepare written minutes and after the minutes are approved by the board, the recording would be erased.
There being no further business, Lee moved and Vicki seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm.
All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either Most recent revision Sunday July 7, 2002
public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District