Minutes of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Directors held at the Pine Valley Fire Station on Tuesday November 6, 2001. The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by Chairman Ted Snow.

Board members present were Chairman Ted Snow, Vicki Frei, Lee Carlile, and Ron Snow. Judd Burgess was excused. Also present were Board Secretary Julie Cropper and Pine Valley Fire Chief Dall Winn. Members of the public present were Guin Winn, Washington County Planning and Zoning Commissioner Steve Robinson, Gaye Robinson, Layne Frei, Carolyn Carlile, Joslyn Fitzgerald, and George Cropper.

The minutes of the meeting of October 2, 2001 were read and after some discussion and minor corrections were approved by voice vote. The 2001 Pine Valley Princess Joslyn Fitzgerald presented the Board with a portrait and expressed her thanks for the opportunity to represent Pine Valley as its princess, and offered to volunteer to help with the princess process in 2002. The Board expressed their thanks in return for her good efforts in representing Pine Valley.

The Board discussed training for a second EMT. Gaye Robinson expressed willingness to commit to a long-term EMT service for the valley. The Board talked over options for funding training including the long-term nature of any commitment. They supported Gaye taking the training. It was agreed that a pro-rated scale of funding would be written up as follows: the PVSSD would fund the training up front. If for unforseen reasons Gaye could not serve the valley, she would reimburse the PVSSD 100% of training costs during the first year, 75% of costs to the end of the second year, 50% of costs to the end of the third year, and 25% of costs to the end of the fourth year. After the end of the fourth year of service no further reimbursement would be expected. Vicki Frei made a motion which was seconded by Ron Snow to approve EMT training on the above-stated basis, and have the Board Secretary draft an agreement for review and signatures. Motion carried by voice vote.

Ted Snow thanked Gaye for being willing to take this training and serve Pine Valley in this way.

Board Secretary Julie Cropper presented the monthly bills, including a bill for $2261.79 for a recently-installed fire hydrant. The other bills were routine utilities and fuel. A motion was made by Ron Snow to approve payment of these bills. Vicki Frei seconded the motion, which carried by voice vote.

Chairman Ted Snow suggested getting State and Federal flags for the meeting room, and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of each meeting. A motion was made, seconded by Ron Snow, to authorize the Board Secretary to buy the flags, and the motion carried by voice vote.

Fire Chief Dall Winn reported that the Dinner Committee had funded vinyl siding for the Post Office, installation of which was complete. The Board discussed snow removal at the Post Office.

Dall Winn suggested that the Board get some pictures of the volunteer firemen, and also a group picture of the Board members which could be displayed in the meeting room along with pictures of the princesses. This suggestion was discussed and approved.

Dall Winn mentioned the availability of a 1968 American LaFrance fire engine at Kaysville UT, which is priced between $5,000 and $10,000. They have not as yet set a firm asking price for it. He said it was a bargain in this price range, and had a lot of expensive equipment on it. He proposed that the Board look into purchasing it. The Board discussed the engine and possible funding. The Zion account needs to be used. Some of it will go to hydrants, but the remainder could go to funding a better engine. Vicki Frei made a motion which was seconded by Ron Snow to give Dall authority to negotiate on purchase of this engine subject to final Board approval. This motion was approved.

The fire department's 1985 snowmobile will not run, according to Dall Winn. A question on what to do with it now was asked. Some suggestions were discussed, and Lee Carlile said he would follow through on some information that might help as to what do do concerning the snowmobile problem.

Dall mentioned fire department monthly training to be held November 10, 2001 at 10:00 am. Ted expressed thanks to Dall on behalf of the board and community for his continuing service.

Secretary Julie Cropper presented and explained a draft PVSSD budget proposal for year 2002. A copy was provided for each board member. The proposed budget was discussed. It was mentioned that it might be worthwhile to check on the possibility of refinancing the fire-station building loan to a lower interest rate. Juilie will check out interest rates for the next meeting. Ron moved and Lee seconded a motion to go ahead with the public review phase of the draft budget proposal. After legal-notice advertising, public input will be taken at the December meeting and a final 2002 budget adopted after public input.

Steve Robinson, Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission representative, said that the proposed Special Events Ordinance patterned after the Weber County ordinance will come before the Planning and Zoning committee in December or January. Any input from this board needs to be in before the meeting to be considered.

John Willie, Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, had asked for a written expression from the PVSSD Board whether or not we would like a County-appointed committee to consider local input and concerns for funneling to the County's governmental groups. This proposal was discussed at length and weighed against a locally-appointed committee to feel out valley sentiments to guide future issues being raised by rapid growth.

Again, questions of legalities and enforcement costs were raised. Ron Snow explained methods of regulating the kind of building growth that occurs including CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions), Protective Covenants, and deed restrictions. These do not really apply directly to most Pine Valley growth issues, but are effective more for subdivisions or condominium communities. Since Pine Valley does not have a master plan, our present zoning is the only way to control how growth occurs.

After discussing these issues, all four board members present expressed opinions opposed to having a County appointed committee, and directed the Secretary to draft a letter to John Willie to that effect.

It was agreed that the Board would continue to pursue getting a local committee as had been discussed earlier in order to facilitate communication with property owners, discuss Pine Valley ideas and concerns, and input this sort of information and suggestions to the Planning and Zoning Commission for the County.

The question was raised about how Washington County handles zoning enforcement costs compared to other counties in the state. It was expressed that many of these same issues were handled in Wasatch County, for one, without the unincorporated communities having to bear the burden of enforcement costs. It was felt that this should be a function of the County Attorney.

Vicki Frei said that right now we need to focus on the upcoming Special Events Ordinance Proposal, and deal with these larger issues over the long term. Special Event issues were further discussed, and it was mentioned that the Lodge property is presently zoned such that dances are a permitted use.

The approval process for building plan permits was also discussed, and what it means when plans are approved but buildings are erected that do not conform to the plans or to the zoning regulations in effect. It would appear that this can be blamed on building-inspector oversight or error, and that it is up to the County to rectify this sort of thing if they so desire.

Ted mentioned that use of the Dixie College building will be discussed at the Planning and Zoning Meeting. Potluck dinners could be set up as a conditional-use permission from September to May with a possible charge for electricity or heat.

It was stated that there will be two vacant board seats to be filled in January. The terms of Ted Snow and Judd Burgess are expiring. Announcements will be in the Post Office and newspaper for persons interested in these positions to complete the applications.

There being no further business, Lee Carlile moved and Ron Snow seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion carried by voice vote and the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.

All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

Most recent revision Sunday July 7, 2002