Minutes of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Directors meeting held on May 1, 2001 at 5:30 pm, at the Fire Station building in Pine Valley, Utah.

Board members present were Judd Burgess, Ron Snow, Vicki Frei, and Lee Carlile. Also present were Fire Chief Dall Winn, Board Secretary Julie Cropper, and the following members of the public: Dorrel Booth, Layne Frei, Bob Herpel, Carolyn Carlile, Erle Snow, and George Cropper. Board Chairman Ted Snow was excused.

In the absence of Board Chairman Ted Snow, Judd Burgess chaired the meeting and welcomed new Board Member Lee Carlile.

Minutes of the March 6, 2001 meeting were read and discussed. Erle Snow mentioned that there is not a vacant position on the Dixie-Escalante REA Board, just that his term is up so he is up for re-election. He remains a candidate, and DEREA is also seeking additional candidates. Elections will occur at the DEREA annual meeting in June and members will receive notice of the date, place, and time. Vicki moved and Lee seconded the motion to approve the minutes with the corrected wording as Erle Snow suggested. Motion carried by voice vote.

Minutes of the April 9, 2001 meeting were read. Vicki suggested incorporating the tape recording made of the meeting as part of the minutes. After some discussion, Vicki moved and Ron seconded the motion to accept the minutes with the tape recording made a part by reference. The motion carried by voice vote.

In connection with the minutes, Fire Chief Dall Winn mentioned a recent septic system problem with the Fire Station building, and that the problem had been corrected by Brad Wallis. He said Brad has asked about installing the two new fire hydrants. Erle Snow said they could be installed any time. The project was to start in the next 10 days. Discussion about the location of these hydrants and the sizes of the water-supply lines to them continued. Judd Burgess and Dall Winn will go on-site and decide the exact locations. Erle will contact Brad Wallis with the go-ahead to install them. Erle also stated that work on the new water system storage tank should begin soon.

New building construction proposals were discussed. Ron Snow mentioned that a small outbuilding addition at 67 N Meadow Drive had been taken care of.

A request by the owner of the Pine Valley Lodge to add a convenience store building on the property raised several questions. The property is zoned commercial, C-3. Board members' concerns included:

  • 1. the addition of another septic systerm for the restroom on the same property, and could it be placed so close to the creek?
  • 2. Would there be gas pumps?
  • 3. Has the proposal gone to the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission?

    There being no representative of the Lodge's owner at the meeting to answer the questions, it was decided that the proposal should have Service District approval before going to the Planning and Zoning Commission. It was stated that the Utah State Health Department regulates septic system locations and requirements, and that there may be other regulatory requirements of EPA for gas pumps. After discussion, Ron moved and Vicki seconded the motion that the Board approve the proposal subject to meeting all County, EPA, State Board of Health or other applicable regulatory requirements. Motion carried by voice vote.

    Secretary Julie Cropper provided each Board Member with a training and procedures manual provided by the Utah Association of Special Service Districts. It includes duties of board members, Special Service District Board meeting procedures, services that may be provided by Special Service Districts as authorized by Utah State Statute, and various Utah Code contents which apply to the Special Service Districts including the Pine Valley Utah Special Service District.

    Vicki stated that PVSSD needs to do a better job of posting and publishing meeting notices. She said notices should be sent to The Spectrum, not as a paid legal notice, but for printing in the public meeting notices section, and that we need to have a prepared agenda and post it at the meeting place, or in our case, at the Post Office. This will require a regular meeting every month.

    Erle mentioned that meeting times and places can be published a full year in advance. Julie read in the manual where this is possible if time and location are consistent. After some discussion on these points, the Board agreed to a trial run of holding a meeting each month, with the Secretary preparing and posting an agenda and notifying the newspaper.

    Bob Herpel said we should also notify people affected by agenda items such as the Pine Valley Lodge owner as to the discussion on his building proposal.

    Vicki informed the Board that she had received one application for Pine Valley Princess. The Board discussed the duties of the Princess. Erle Snow mentioned that the Chairman can appoint a Board Member to handle the Princess application and selection process. It was decided to table any Board appointment and selection of the Princess until the next meeting and continue to accept applications through the end of May 2001.

    Fire Chief Dall Winn reminded the Board and public about the Fire and Rescue Academy training which has been going on for two weekends with one more to go. He said he has participation of about 12 volunteers and has a lot of positive feedback. One of the things evident from this training so far is the fact that we lack some very basic safety gear for our volunteer fire-fighters. He said we are obligated to provide basic safety equipment, and we are lacking that. He needs to complete basic turn-out gear for at least the 12 volunteers who seem to be the 'core group'. Fortunately we do have quite a bit of donated equipment, since a complete new set for one person costs over $1000.00. He also mentioned needs for an exhaust fan, nozzles, and another gate valve. He indicated that $1500.00 would get the Department started on meeting those basic needs.

    The Board discussed and agreed that these basic needs should be met. Vicki moved and Ron seconded the motion to provide $1500.00 now to start getting this equipment and that we can discuss needs again after the hydrants are installed and paid for. The motion carried by voice vote.

    Dall also said that the Board should begin to consider a long-term plan to save and earmark some money each year to replace our truck equipment as that becomes necessary. The Board agreed that this was a good idea but decisions could be made when and if better equipment becomes available.

    Secretary Julie Cropper reminded the Board that with the recent changes in Board membership, an update would be necessary to the persons authorized to sign checks. She will get bank signature cards and have board members sign. It was also mentioned that we need to review our checking and savings accounts to see if there are better interest-earning opportunities. PVSSD is carrying a large checking account balance that is earning no interest. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.

    Judd Burgess asked if there were any public comments or issues from the public present. Erle Snow asked about lunches for the Fire Academy training. Dall Winn said he had spent about $120.00 for the first two weekends.

    It was suggested that PVSSD should look into the EMT equipment, specifically oxygen and defibrillators. Ginger Mathis, volunteer EMT, needs to be asked about additional equipment needs. She will be placed on the agenda for a future meeting.

    Dorrel Booth mentioned that the Forest Service will be hauling cinders in large dump trucks on Saturday May 5, 2001 from the Gray's Ranch Road cinder pit to the Lions Lodge area in the canyon.

    There being no more comments, Lee moved and Vicki seconded the motion to adjourn. The motion carried by voice vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.

    All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
    public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

    Most recent revision Sunday July 7, 2002