Minutes of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Directors meeting held on June 6, 2001 at 5:30 pm at the Fire Station in Pine Valley, Utah.
Board Members present were Chairman Ted Snow, Judd Burgess, Ron Snow, Vicki Frei, and Lee Carlile. Also present were Board Secretary Julie Cropper, Pine Valley Fire Chief Dall Winn, and members of the public Layne Frei, Stan Snow, Carolyn Carlile, Betty Roach, Bob Herpel, Joslyn Fitzgerald, and George Cropper. Also present was Steve Robinson, Pine Valley resident and member of the Washington County Planning and Zoning Commission.
The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm by Chairman Pro-Tem Judd Burgess. Minutes of the May 1, 2001 meeting were read and approved by voice vote.
Vicki Frei reported on the Pine Valley Princess process. No additional applications being received, there was no reason to consider further, and Joslyn Fitzgerald, granddaughter of Don and Betty Roach who are Pine Valley residents, has been appointed Pine Valley Princess 2001. Joslyn was present and was introduced to the Board and public present. The board discussed options to fund the Princess's expenses. Judd Burgess asked Vicki Frei to take the lead for PVSSD in necessary arrangements for coordinating with the Princess this year.
Fire Chief Dall Winn reported the following:
Steve Robinson was introduced and discussed the following planning/zoning issues affecting Pine Valley:
Requested improvements at the Pine Valley Lodge was discussed. Vicki raised the question of the County's response to the issue of a façade or fence on the west side of the property. Steve explained the proposal of an 8 to 12 foot high fence, 480 feet long and painted to resemble old west town scenes. He said that the new owner of the Lodge has not submitted a master plan of all property development and the last he knew had not applied for building permits. He daid adjacent property owners would have to be contacted for comments on the fence situation. This issue was tabled and will be discussed at the July 3, 2001 meeting of PVSSD.
Betty Roach asked about the previous owners of Pine Valley Lodge's application to make changes including an RV park proposal which was opposed by some residents. Steve Robinson said that the new owners have to start over with new applications for changes. He said that the Lodge's new owners will be on the Planning and Zoning Commission agenda for Tuesday June 12, 2001 at 1:30 pm, and the public is welcome to attend and make comments. Comments may also be made by telephone to the Planning and Zoning Commission office if someone prefers.
Steve also mentioned that the Lodge's new owners have not as yet received any building permits except for the temporary store which can be there for up to 12 months on a variance.
Ted Snow asked if Washington County is providing all building plans for Pine Valley for PVSSD review. After discussing certain specific buildings, the Board concluded that it is not seeing all plans. Steve advised that a Board Member should call the County and remind them of this requirement.
The Board further discussed the issue of multiple and unconfined dogs. Steve Robinson said that property owners are probably responsible for dogs kept on their property regardless of who may actually own the dog. There are no Washington County ordinances to enforce the number of dogs kept and there is no one doing animal control for the County.
Vicki discussed the possibility of getting some additional or alternate PVSSD Board Members to insure that there is always a voting quorum. The Board may seat up to 7 members according to the regulations. It was decided that this needs to be discussed with the Washington County Commission since they are the appointing authority.
The Fire Station use and capacity was discussed. Some of the 'town dinners' in the winter are getting very large as more new people move in and as family members outside the valley are invited to attend monthly. The conference room at the Fire Station may be exceeding a safe capacity for the building. Fire Chief Dall Winn said he has been concerned about children playing around the trucks and people parking in front of the bay doors. There have been 40 to 50 people coming to these potluck dinners. It was suggested that perhaps those who wish to continue the potlucks could arrange for an alternate place such as the college building. It should be discussed at the first dinner this fall to see how people feel about it.
Dall Winn mentioned that the tables used at PVSSD meetings belong to the LDS Church. The chairs were purchased by the Pine Valley Town Dinner Committee, and are available for rental.
Ron Snow stated he had received a call from Debbie McCallum. This may be about a road sign which was removed during construction at the Lodge.
Layne Frei mentioned that he had talked to Deputy Sheriff Kevin Brooks, who has been assigned to work Central, Pine Valley, and Enterprise. He will be spending more time up here and has already issued several OHV citations.
It was decided to hold the July meeting on the regularly scheduled day, July 3, 2001, and at the normal tiem.
There being no further business, Lee Carlile moved and Vicki Frei seconded the motion to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm. by Chairman Pro-Tem Judd Burgess.
All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District
Most recent revision Sunday July 7, 2002