Minutes of the Pine Valley Special Service District Board of Directors meeting held on July 4, 2000 at 4:00 p.m. in the Pine Valley Fire Station, Pine Valley, Utah.

Board members present were Ted Snow, Chairman; Vicki Frei, and Judd Burgess.

David Despain was not present and was excused.

Also present were Dall Winn, Pine Valley Fire Chief; Julie Cropper, Secretary/Treasurer; Ginger Mathis, EMT; Gwen Iverson, Past PVSSD Secretary; and several Pine Valley property owners.

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm. The minutes of the June 6, 2000 meeting were read and approved by all Board members present.

Chairman Ted Snow welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Two questions from property owners were discussed:

1. Is Washington County Road Department going to clear trees, brush, etc. to the full width of street easement? Ted said he hadn't heard about this and as far as he knew it was not going to happen.
2. Is it legal to construct spec homes on 1/3 acre or less lots? Ted and others responded to this question by saying that these are old subdivision lot sizes that were previously approved, but would not now meet the current minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet. Ted then added that Pine Valley falls under county regulations and that Washington County has no regulations governing spec homes.

Ted Snow opened discussion on building clean up funds that were collected years ago to assure clean building sites. The total collected is about $8000.00. He proposed using the money to install two much-needed fire hydrants. This would bring the entire town within the 1,000 foot hydrant requirement. He asked the public for other ideas. Those in attendance agreed that this would be a good use for the money and would benefit the community at large. It was moved by Board member Judd Burgess and seconded by Board member Ron Snow to use the money for the purpose of two fire hydrants as discussed. The motion was approved.

Ted Snow and the Board of Directors honored Gwen Iverson with a gift for her years of service as secretary of the Pine Valley Special Service District. A beautiful engraved watch was graciously accepted.

Ted Snow introduced Ginger Mathis, EMT for Pine Valley, who in turn thanked the Board for the additional funding for her further EMT training. She will be an Intermediate Level EMT by the end of this year. Ginger said she has all the necessary equipment and has had five (5) calls so far this year. She passed out telephone number stickers to those who wanted them. It was mentioned that another person may be interested and willing to be a second EMT. Training would depend on available funds.

Sid Atkin reported on Post Office Building progress. Insulation, drywall, and painting remain to be done. There was some discussion about a parking lot surface and the Dixie Lumber bill. Sid mentioned several individuals and companies who had contributed time and materials. A breakdown sheet of donated help and costs connected with the Post Office was given to the Secretary, Julie Cropper.

Vicki Frei discussed the Pine Valley website. It includes current information on Pine Valley Special Service District meeting minutes and activities, including links to the Forest Service site for information. She asked for ideas to include on the web page. One suggestion was selling advertising or real-estate space. Another was to put up fire procedures for summer visitors who may otherwise not be aware of them. The Forest Service has agreed to build a sign about Pine Valley, which will include the internet address.

Fire Chief Dall Winn discussed the following:

- fire training meeting will be Saturday July 8, 2000 at 10:00 am. He especially invited summer visitors and residents to the meeting.
- we have about 70 fire hydrants. He asked residents to help out by cleaning brush and grass from around hydrants near their homes so that they can easily be accessed in an emergency.
- some fireworks are legal, these can't be regulated, but he asked people to consider cancelling firework plans and mentioned that the area is currently closed to open burning of any kind.
- Dall mentioned that some Fire Department members are trained on Africanized Bees, which are coming our way. We have some equipment and are prepared to deal with bee calls.
- the Fire Department had two call-outs this week.

Ted Snow reported that the Pine Valley Special Service District has purchased Worker's Compensation Insurance for the volunteer firefighters. It was asked whether this covers the EMT as well. This question will be researched by the Secretary.

The public attendees were then asked if they had any questions, comments, and/or suggestions concerning our community.

It was asked whether the Forest Service was still going to do the fire protection burning west of Lloyd Canyon. Ted indicated they haven't started, probably won't use burning techniques, but will perhaps make the firebreaks mechanically.

Jeff Mann had some home plans for a project in the Ranchos. This was to be considered by the Board following adjournment.

Larry Gardner, Pine Valley Irrigation Company, said they are awaiting Forest Service approvals to construct an addition water reservoir-tank on the east end of town. It will be at least mid-August before they can do any work.

August 19, 2000 will be the date of the Annual Pine Valley Town Dinner for the year 2000.

The situation with solid waste was discussed. The dumpsters are often very full and much of the material is brush and tree limbs. Service is not as good as it should be. It was suggested that perhaps the Forest Service could allow brush and trees to be placed at the overflow campground site and burned in the winter. The website does explain what is legal/illegal to be placed in the dumpsters. Signs should be placed at the dumpster site so that people can cleary understand.

Vicki Frei moved for adjournment, seconded by Judd Burgess. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Julie M. Cropper, Secretary

All materials on these pages not otherwise credited are either
public domain or © 2000, 2001, 2002 &ff, Pine Valley Special Service District

Most recent revision Sunday July 7, 2002